


North Bloomfield Township has been granted a monetary award as a product of The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, also called the COVID-19 Stimulus Package.  The bill provides 1.9 trillion dollars for economic stimulus.   The funds are meant to speed up the country’s recovery from the economic and health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing recession.  The Township has received $98,0046.00 for the first tranche payment.  This is half of the total grant, and we expect to receive a second tranche in 2022.  These funds have been established for infrastructure investments including water and sewage.  They can also be used for COVID-19 related public health emergencies.

North Bloomfield Township was awarded a grant for $27,374.00 from the Ohio Public Works Commission to widen the road at the hill on Township Road 50.  The road segment to be widened begins 2,450 feet north of Township Road 29 and then continues for 900 feet.  The new width will be 18 feet, which will provide for much greater safety while driving over the hill.

As a member of the Ohio Township Association, North Bloomfield Township is eligible to receive an annual MORE (Managing Ohio Risk Exposures) Grant to assist in eliminating or preventing risk exposures that lead to liability claims and property losses.  Each year OTARMA’s (Ohio Township Association Risk Management Authority) MORE Program offers $500.00 for the purchase of safety equipment.  The Trustees have decided to use these funds to purchase reflective roads signs to improve safety on the roads we maintain.  We are very thankful to OTARMA for its generosity in support of the township.

Audit Reports

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